Friday, December 27, 2019
Interview With An Individual Who Works For Malmbergets Aif
For this assignment, I decided to conduct my interview with an individual who works for Malmbergets AIF (AIF = public sports club) in Malmberget, situated in the far north of Sweden. Established in 1904, the veteran club is and have been active within numerous sports, from soccer to cross country skiing, and throughout the clubââ¬â¢s long history, one will find stories of great success, such as when its Olympic handball team played in the highest division in the mid-seventies, or one of the clubs cross-country skiers, Lina Andersson, won Olympic gold in 2006. Although, today, MAIFââ¬â¢s efforts are mainly focused on youth programs in various sports, with the ice-hockey team being the sole remaining adult team. Nonetheless, there are still someâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Given that MAIF operates within a number of different sports, Johansson describes that the best part is that his job changes with the seasons. During winter, heââ¬â¢ll get to focus on sports like ice hocke y, and during summer, he can focus on their youth programs for soccer. Much like several other positions within the sport industry ââ¬â at least in terms of working for a sports club ââ¬â, what the job entails changes between seasons, but the difference for Johansson is that thereââ¬â¢s never an off-season, which Johansson admits is challenging at times, but that he wouldnââ¬â¢t have it any other way, as he claims it ââ¬Å"keeps [him] runningâ⬠, despite his age. Likewise, when asked whether or not the job truly is as rewarding, easy going, and appealing as he makes it seem, he paused, before giving a lengthy explanation regarding the effort required to do the job, saying that ââ¬Å"itââ¬â¢s going to require hard work at timesâ⬠, before adding that ââ¬Å"that is the reality for most jobsâ⬠, but that he truly believes that his interest in what he does is what motivates him to push through it. He admits to have been lucky for ââ¬â officially ââ¬â entering the industry at a later stage in his career, and for a position higher up the chain, because heââ¬â¢s not sure his ââ¬Å"passion for sports would have survived otherwiseâ⬠, which I think might be the harsh truth a lot of individuals interested in a career within the industry might not get to hear. He quicklyShow MoreRelatedInterview With An Individual Who Works For Malmbergets Aif1077 Words à |à 5 PagesI chose to conduct my interview with an individual who w orks for Malmbergets AIF (AIF = public sports club) in Malmberget, situated in the far north of Sweden. Established in 1904, the club is and have been active within numerous sports, from soccer to cross country sking, and throughout the clubââ¬â¢s long history one will find stories of great success, such as when its Olympic handball team played in the highest division in the mid-seventies, or one of the clubs cross-country skiers, Lina Andersson
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Slavery in America - 1124 Words
Everyone knows that slavery in America was a difficult time for African Americans. But do people truly understand how hard it was for the African American female slaves? Harriet Jacobs goes into detail about her life as a slave and gives the female perspective under the alias Linda Brent in the novel Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. She states that everything she says in the book is completely true. There are stereotypes of black women during this time: being looked upon as sexual objects and being promiscuous. Jacobsââ¬â¢s attempts to resist the stereotypical images of black women are unsuccessful, even with the presence of her well respected grandmother. Women Slaves Like Frederick Douglass stated in his narrative, the women slavesâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It is indeed a curse. Reading Between the Lines Many scholars find it extremely hard to believe that Jacobs was able to escape all of the sexual clutches of Dr. Flint. They believe that she used a technique call masking while writing the book. Masking allows the storyteller to make accessible a hidden message only to those readers attuned to the secretive signs embedded within the story (Whitsitt). I truly do not believe that Dr. Flint was unable to have his way with Harriet. After all this was slavery and she was his property, actually she was his daughterââ¬â¢s property, but he did not see a difference between the two. In the book it states that when a slave master had had enough of a female slave that he was intimate with, he would sell her off so that he and his family would not have to look at her, especially if a child was conceived because of it. The article ââ¬Å"Reading Between the Linesâ⬠suggests that Dr. Flintââ¬â¢s intentions of moving Jacobs into the house he was building was his way of keeping her out of his wifeââ¬â¢s sight, but not out of his reach, because there was sexual contact between them. I can agree with this conclusion, because I cannot see him going out of his way for a slave that he was not having sex with, be it voluntary or involuntary. If we are to stick to the book, Jacobs had voluntary, pre-marital sex with Mr. Sands, violationShow MoreRelatedThe Slavery Of America And America1168 Words à |à 5 PagesIn 1619, there was a Dutch ship that arrived in America to trade for food. But instead of an object, such as silk or wine, they were trading humans. These humans were Africans who were not treated as normal human beings, but as if they were just an object or animal. On their voyage over to America, all the slaves were crammed into the lower part of the ship. They were forbidden to move and had to remain lying down for the entire voyage. For those on the ship to be sure the slaves were not causingRead MoreSlavery in America941 Words à |à 4 PagesSlavery in America Does anyone know who really started slavery? Slavery first took place in North America, 1619 at a British colony of Jamestown Virginiaâ⬠(Boles, John). This caused slavery to spread throughout the American colonies. Slavery had a huge impact on America and still does till this day. Slavery was nothing new when it came to America. Itââ¬â¢s been going on since before the 1400ââ¬â¢s.â⬠Slavery had existed in Europe from classical times and did not disappear with the collapse of the Roman Empireâ⬠Read MoreThe Slavery Of Slavery And The Colonization Of America941 Words à |à 4 PagesProblem of Slavery Introduction The slavery is a relationship established between two individuals and involves the complete and absolute control of each other. Usually, this domain is established from the force, becoming the slave of an object or possession of the owner, so you end up losing not only their freedom but also their humanity and dignity being. The cases of slavery in the history of humanity are many and are always imbued with very bloody and very violent stories as they pose most absoluteRead MoreSlavery in America743 Words à |à 3 Pagestrees along the riverbank were bent with swinging corpses ââ¬â a grisly warning to others dreaming of liberty. Other planters resisted emancipation more legalistically, stubbornly protesting that slavery was lawful until state legislatures or the Supreme Court declared otherwise. For many slaves the shackles of slavery were not struck off in a mighty single blow but had to be broken link by link. Prodded by the bayonets of Yankee armies all masters were eventually forced to recognize their slavesââ¬â¢Read MoreSlavery in America Art1205 Words à |à 5 Pagesdebated, but ultimately the Civil War surrounded the legality of slavery in America. Everyone knows that Abraham Lincoln ended the ability to legally own slaves, therefore freeing slaves. Before Abraham Lincoln ended slavery, many slaves found freedom for themselves by running away to the northern states where slavery was illegal. Eastman Johnson, an American painter of the nineteenth century, depicts an African-American family fleeing slavery during the Civil War in his oil-painting titled A Ride to LibertyRead MoreSlavery And Its Impact On America1353 Words à |à 6 Pages Slavery in America had a tight hold over the southern half. It was primarily located in the southern portion and African American slaves were held on large plantations and out in the fields. Some were even leased into the industrializing fa ctories. Ever since slavery in America started, slaves were considered property. Every black person was a white persons ââ¬Å"propertyâ⬠. Now American had a belief, a belief that every man were entitled to God-given rights. The rights could not be stripped fromRead MoreSlavery And The Making Of America1412 Words à |à 6 PagesThe film ââ¬Å"Slavery and The Making Of Americaâ⬠covered the beginning of American slavery in the British colonies until the end of slavery in the southern states and post-civil war reconstruction. This film shows viewers remarkable stories of individual slaves, providing new perspectives on how unjust the slaves experiences were, and besides all the trouble they were facing still having to survive and shape their own lives. The British colonies in North America had an abundance of land and a scarcityRead MoreEssay on Slavery In America1014 Words à |à 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Slavery in America stems well back to when the new world was first discovered and was led by the country to start the African Slave Trade-Portugal. The African Slave Trade was first exploited for plantations in the Caribbean, and eventually reached the southern coasts of America. The African natives were of all ages and sexes. Women usually worked in the homes cooking and cleaning, while men were sent out into the plantations to farm. Young girls would usuallyRead MoreThe History of Slavery in the Americas732 Words à |à 3 Pageswork very hard on plantations and in mines. In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as an inexpensive, harder labored source, much better than indentured servants (who were mostly poor Europeans). In 1619, a Dutch ship brought 20 African Americans to the British colonies of Jamestown, Virginia, Charleston, and mostly any other big cities on the cost. Slavery spread throughout the American colonies pretty fast. It is impossible to give an exact number,Read MoreThe Issue of Slavery in America1148 Words à |à 5 PagesThe North and South -1820 to 1850 The period between 1820s to the 1850s and eve beyond was majorly dominated by the concern about the issue of slavery in America. This was the talk of the time with some advocating for the free will to do with the slaves as they wanted yet others advocating for the total ban on slavery as well as slave trade within the USA. It is worth noting that the North was more of an industrial region and yet he south was more of agricultural region. This was the economic
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Calvin And Hobbes Essay Example For Students
Calvin And Hobbes Essay HobbesNo one has masterfully argued that people are essentially estranged as Thomas Hobes, the mordant and witty English philosopher. The natural human state, Hobbes maintained, is one of war of every man, against every man. Where there is no strong central government to overawe them all, then men have no pleasure, but on the contrary a great deal of grief, in keeping company. Life in such a state, Hobbes asserted in one of the most famous phrases in the literature of political theory, is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. 2 levels of estrangement in Hobbess philosophy. Psychological level and Ontological levelHobbes was a materialist , he saw every reality as wholly definable in terms of space, time, and the laws of causation. The universe is composed of objects in motion. Hobbes believes that each person is concerned with personal safety. Hobbes says that peace is needed by everyone. Among the great political thinkers only one, Thomas Hobbes, maintained that in their purely worldly qualities people are essentially equal. Hobbes view people are les deserving of equal respect than of equal disdain. Hobbes opposed constitutionalism because of his pessimistic appraisal of human nature. Many passages in Hobbes writings show that he did not desire or even envision the possibility of anything like modern totalitarianism. For Hobbes, any division of power was an invitation to chaos. LockeJohn Locke defended the establishment of constitutional government in England and who influenced the framers of the American Constitution, clearly did not believe people to be equal in their observable qualities. They were, for Locke, equal only in the rights received from God. Believed that most people have the sense to see that others have certain rights, such as the right to life, simply because they are human beings. Most people are disposed to respect these rights. Human reasonableness for Locke meant both the capacity and the inclination to live by reason. The idea that government should be wholly detached in matters of belief, and individual men and women left completely on their own, developed fairly recently, only two or three hundred years ago Locke defended such a doctrine near the end of the seventeenth century. (equality) John Locke, the prinicpal theorist of modern liberalism, apparently assumed that government would generally be carried on by a hereditary aristocracy. (power and possessers) A person is not obliged to obey unless he has voluntarily agreed to do so. At one point Locke seems to imply that not only does the founding of a government require consent but that every governmental act significantly affecting a persons life or rights requires consent, for he writes that the Supream Power cannot take from any Man any part of his Property without his own consent. The theory that political obligatrion is based on consent subordinates government to freedom. Even assuming that Locke did not mean to go so far as to require consent for every particular governmental act, his general pint is that nothing can be rightfully demanded of us that does not accord with each ones uncoerced and conscious will.(limits) Lockes views were drawn from a solidly established medieval tradition, itself the outgrowth of an ancient Greek and Roman constitutionalist tradition. (ends) Locke based his individualism, in economic and spiritual matters alike, on the same broad principles, and that the typical American liberal has rejected these principles in regard to the one area but clings to them in regard to the other. Locke assumed a certain essential estrangement among human beings. Locke also assumed that despite estrangement there is a natural harmony among individuals. If each one is left free to seek out and affirm ones own personal truth, universal truth will emerge spontaneously. .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df , .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .postImageUrl , .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df , .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:hover , .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:visited , .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:active { border:0!important; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:active , .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u219e610816dff47695aa9547633865df:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The French And Indian War Essay Locke conceived of freedom primarily as the absence of governmental restraint. He doesnt say that life without government would be terrible or impossible. He says that a government may save time and annoyance by doing for its citizens what they would have to do for themselves. Marx(estrangement) Karl Marx, the major intellectual source of socialism and communism, has shaken Western institutions more profoundly than any utterance since the Reformation. The key to Marxs attitude lay in the importance he attributed to economic conditions. Marx held that our ideas and feelings in truth our whole nature are shaped by our economic situation. Marx identified classes in economic terms because his emphasis on the formative power of economic circumstances allowed no other differentia to be of primary significance. The main class division is between people who own nothing and thus have to work and people who own property and thus command the resources on which the lives of all others depend. According to Marxa human being cannot be identified with any abstract, changeless concept of human nature We are what we do; our nature is defined by our work. Marx doesnt think there could be any unity among the classes even if there were no serious conflict of interest dividing them. Marx believed that there was such a conflict. Owners of the means production are compelled by the system of production to oppress the workers. The most effective oppostion to Marxism has probably come from those who hold that while justice does not sanction the division of society into separate and unequal classes, all classes can perceive the requirements of justice and can be brought to cooperate in eradicating, or at least mitigating, class distinctions. Liberals tend to agree with Marx. (equality) Marx and Rousseau alike stood for the general principle of radical democracy, government carried on either directly by the people or by representatives held closely to the immediate will of the people. (inequality) Marx assumed liberty and equality to be interdependent. Many of his most determined opponents deny that this is so. One of the chief pointes of contention in this controversy is capitalism. Marx believed that capitalism created the kind of highly developed industrial order that would render both liberty and equality accessible but that capitalism has to be replaced by socialism before humankind could lay hold of these benefits. Marxs opponents, many of them, assert that liberty and equality are in conflict, but that capitalism provides as large a measure of each as is practically attainable. RousseauRousseau believed that through thinking we alienate ourselves from reality and from our own being. Rousseaus assertion that a human being can be forced to be free is a paradox.. Since we usually assume that being forced and being free are opposite states. (ends of power) Rousseau and Marx, who thought that governments rarely if ever sought a common good, concentrated on showing how the reign of selfishnes might be overcome. (limits) Rousseau never explicitly attacked constitutional government. Rousseau seems to envision a commonwealth in which the lives of individuals are asorbed into the common life and regulated in every detail by the popular will. Rousseau demands that anyone refusing to subscribe to the articles of this faith be banished and that anyone who does subscribe to them and then behaves as if he does not believe them should be put to death. (power and possessers) says we are deprived of our humanity by having to live under a government in which we have no part. He thought they possessed what amounts to moral and political sanctity, the people. One result is the theory of the general will which was definitively formulated by Rousseau, although it had been implicit in other political philosophies, such as those of Plato and Aristotle
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Success Of Andrew Lloyd Webber Essays - Cancer Survivors
The Success Of Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical theatre is a very difficult profession in which to make a living. Most composers of musicals only create one good musical and are unable to create any more. Not Andrew Lloyd Webber! He is not like any of those composers. Andrew Lloyd Webber is a successful composer due to his variety of appeal to diverse audiences. Andrew Lloyd Webber is an English composer who used rock-based compositions to revitalize British and American musical theatre in the late 20th century. Lloyd Webber has had many great hits during his career. He has won numerous awards for his works. Due to his talent, Andrew Lloyd Webber has been asked by many professional soloists and groups to compose music for them. These qualities of Andrew Lloyd Webber prove that he is a truly successful composer. Andrew Lloyd Webber has composed a lot of fantastic musicals. Critics have even appreciated Andrew Lloyd Webber, which isnt a very common thing to happen. David Lister remarks that Lloyd Webber received this compliment due to his composition, The Beautiful Game. It is not the only show Lloyd Webber has that has been popular. Andrew Lloyd Webber composed Cats, A Chorus Line, Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and The Phantom of the Opera. Cats has by far been his most loved musical because of its long running of high audience attendance. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Cats is the longest running musical in American Theatre history on Broadway. Andrew Lloyd Webber surpassed his own A Chorus Line with Cats, which put on more than 6,000 shows on Broadway. Cats is also the only show to break 7,000 shows on Londons West End with 7,301. Andrew Lloyd Webber has also shown that he is a successful composer by the abundance of trophies in his trophy room. His latest work, The Beautiful Game, received the title Best Musical by the Critics Circle claims Lister. It was great to get that, says Lloyd Webber, there were about 30 shows that opened around the same time that The Beautiful Game opened. In 1997, Lloyd Webber won a Golden Globe and an Academy Award for Best Original Song, You Must Love Me, from Evita. He has also won a total of six Grammys, five Laurence Oliver awards, four Tonys, four Drama Desk Awards, and since he is only the second composer ever to have three different shows running in two countries, he received the American Society of Composers, Authors, Triple Play Award for Creative Achievement by Bnoi Brith in New York. These numerous awards are one reason why Andrew Lloyd Webber is a great composer. Lloyd Webber has been asked by countless famous professional artists and groups as well as organizations to compose songs for them. Menet's Jellicle Haven states that over 150 artists have performed Lloyd Webbers song, Memory, from Cats. Menet goes on to say that a few of those entertainers that performed Memory include Barbara Streisand, Johnny Mathis, and Judy Collins, to The Boston Pops and Liberace. Barry Manilow actually placed the song in the top 40 in the United States. A techno/dance version topped the European charts when Natalie Grant, a European singer, sang it last year. Evita was another big success of Lloyd Webber in which had many big names stared in. Madonna portrayed Evita Peron, and Antonio Banderas was cast as Che, the narrator. Antonio Banderas also performed as the Phantom during the Phantom of the Opera portion at Lloyd Webbers 50th birthday gala at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Not only has Andrew Lloyd Webber composed music personally for artists and groups , but he also composed music for the 1998 Winter Olympics held in Japan. Lloyd Webbers song, When Children Rule the World, was sung by Japanese Singer Ryoko Moriyama and 150 Nagano children during the opening ceremonies in front of 50,000 people including Emperor Akihito. With all of these professional artists asking Andrew Lloyd Webber to compose music for them or them performing his music shows that Lloyd Webber must be a good composer whos music loved by many people. Each one of Andrew Lloyd Webbers musicals is about different topics so they will
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
7 Ways of Naming Muscles free essay sample
To aide us in this process there are ways to become more familiar and to help make these muscles more identifiable. There are at least 7 ways to do this. By having descriptive portion included in the muscle name is the major way of aiding one. This can be done by including the Location within the body, origin and insertion points, fascicle organization. The relative positions, structural characteristics and action. When using location in the body there may be a term included that is associated with a specific body region. At times a muscle may be so prominent that the name of the body region alone can identify it. Orbicularis occuli we know its in the eye region cause of occuli. Origin and insertion is when muscles include terms for the part of the body specific to there origin and location one part orgin and second part the insertion. Names may be long and difficult to pronounce. We will write a custom essay sample on 7 Ways of Naming Muscles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Illiocostalis thoracis is an example illium and ribs in the thoracic cavity. Fascicle Organization is like the appearance the rectus abdominis which in the muscle located in our abs. There is a descriptive term of the muscle appearance and also a location name rectus means straight and abdo lets us know that it is in the abdominal region. Muscle positioning also known as Relative Position is a way where there is a term attached to exact positioning. For example externus for visible at the body surface or superficialis. Deeper muscles are termed internus or profundus. Muscles that stablize specific organs are known as extrinsic. Structural Characteristics some names have something to do with how many of them are in a group triceps and quadriceps are prime examples having 3 muscles in the triceps and quadriceps has four muscles. Shapes of the muscles also can be a way to name them trapezius is like trapazoid and orbi- is like circle. Size also has a play in naming long (longus), smaller ,(minor) smallest (minimus),and so forth. ? Action can play a part in naming. For example how the muscle moves or what it moves. For example abductor, adductor, we know the movement associated with this so that helps to identify. An example is the Extensor Digitorum muscle of the forearm. It extends the four fingers of the hand. ? ? ? Name the principal axial muscles of the body and describe their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations. They are the head and neck muscles, muscles of the vertebral column, oblique and rectus muscles, as well as the muscles of the pelvic floor. The muscle groups of the head and neck have 6 muscle groups. The muscles that perform facial expression are originating on the skull. Extrinsic eye muscles are originating on the surface of the orbit and can also control the positioning of the eye. Muscles that move the mandible are the muscles of mastication. Tongue muscles end in glossus. The pharynx muscles start the beginning of the process of swallowing. Neck muscles on the anterior side support pharynx and tongue; they also push down the mandible and can control larynx position. Orbicularis oris constricts the mouth openeing. Buccinator moves food around within the mouth Epicranium are muscles of the scalp. Temporoparietalis, Occipiofrontalis are the frontal and occiital bellies they are separated by the epicranial aponeurosis. The anterior surface of the neck. Is covered by the Platysma. The extra ocular muscles include Inferior, medial, superior and lateral rectus. As well as inferior and superior oblique muscles. The strongest jaw muscle is the masseter. It is assisted by the temporalis which helps lift the mandible and the pterygoid muscles help in positiong the mandible. Palatoglossus originates at palate. Styloglossus originate at syloid process. Genioglossus originates at the chin, Hypoglossus originates at hyoid bone. Pharyngeal constrictor muscles:ââ¬âmove food into esophagus Elevation of the larynx is performed by the Laryngeal elevator muscles Palatal muscles aid in lifting the soft palate. Digastric:ââ¬âfrom chin to hyoid, and hyoid to mastoid Mylohyoid floor of the mouth Geniohyoid between hyoid and chin Stylohyoid between hyloid and styloid Sternocleidomastoid from clavicle and sternum to mastoid The scapula, clavicle, first rib, and hyoid. Are connected by the Omohyoid Spinal extensors or erector spinae muscles (superficial and deep) Spinal flexors (transversospinalis) Superficial Spinal Extensors include Spinalis group,Longissimus group,Iliocostalis group. Deep Spinal Extensors include ,Semispinalis group, Multifidus , Interspinalis ,Intertransversarii , and Rotatores muscles. In the Neck longus capitis and longus colli are muscles that rotate and flex the neck In the lumbar regioin quadratus lumborum muscles,depress the ribs and the flex spine. Vertebral column, oblique and rectus muscles. Oblique muscles are responsible to compress underlying structures and rotate vertebral column. Rectus muscles flex vertebral column ,oppose erector spinae Oblique muscles Cervical region scalene muscles flex the neck Thoracic region the intercostal muscles (external and internal intercostals): Control breathing movements of ribs transversus thoracis cross inner surface of ribs Abdominopelvic region (same pattern as thoracic): Include external and internal oblique muscles Transversus abdominis rectus group(Rectus abdominis) are between xiphoid process and pubic symphysis they are divided longitudinally by linea alba and divided transversely by tendinous inscriptions Diaphragmatic muscle or diaphragm performs respiration, divides thoracic and abdominal cavities Pelvic muscle functions Support organism the pelvic cavity, control movement of materials through urethra and anus and flex the sacrum and coccyx. The Perineum is the muscular sheet forming the pelvic floor. The Perineum is divided to anterior urogenital triangle , posterior anal triangle. The Pelvic Diaphragm supports the anal triangle, and deep muscular layer extending to pubis The Urogenital Diaphragm Is the deep muscular layer between pubic bones: Its functions are to support the pelvic floor and muscles of the urethra Superficial muscles of the urogenital triangle support external genitalia References: Martini, FH (2009). Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 8th edition ? ? Name the principal appendicular muscles of the body and describe their origins, insertions, actions, and innervations. The Appendicular Muscles are used to stabilize and position the pectoral and pelvic girdles, as well as move the upper and lower limbs. Appendicular Muscles division includes Muscles of the upper limbs and shoulders which move the arm, position the pectoral girdle, move the hand , fingers and forearm. The other division is Pelvis and lower limbs muscles. The muscles that Position the Pectoral Girdle are composed of 6 muscles Trapezius which is superficial it covers neck and back to base of skull it also inserts on clavicles and scapular spines. Rhomboid and levator scapulae which is deep to trapezius it attaches to cervical and thoracic vertebrae and inserts on the scapular border Serratus anterior is on the chest it originates along the ribs inserts on the anterior scapular margin. Subclavius originates on the ribs and inserts on the clavicle. Pectoralis minor attaches to the scapula. There are 9 Muscles used to move the Arm. Deltoid the major abductor. Supraspinatus which assists deltoid. Subscapularis and teres major both produce medial rotation at shoulder. Infraspinatus and teres minor both produce lateral rotation at shoulder. Coracobrachialis that attaches to scapula and produces flexion and adduction at shoulder. Pectoralis major which are between anterior chest and greater tubercle of humerus and produces a flexion at shoulder joint Latissimus dorsi located between the thoracic vertebrae and the humerus its movement that it produces is an extension at shoulder joint The Rotator Cuff has muscles involved in shoulder rotation they are supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, teres minor,and their tendons Moving down the arm there are muscles that move the forearm and hand. They originate on the humerus and insert on the forearm exceptions the major flexor or biceps brachii, the major extensor or triceps brachii. There are Extensors mainly located on the posterior and lateral surfaces of the arm. Flexors are mainly on medial and anterior surfaces. 13 Muscles are used in movement of the forearm and hand. Biceps brachii:flexes elbow stabilizes shoulder joint Triceps brachii:extends elbow originates on scapula inserts on olecranon Brachialis and brachioradialis flex elbow originates on scapula inserts on radial tuberosity Anconeus opposes brachialis Palmaris longus superficial is what flexes wrist Flexor carpi ulnaris superficial is used to flex wrist and adducts wrist Flexor carpi radialis superficial,flexes wrist,abducts wrist Extensor carpi radialis superficial,extends wrist,abducts wrist Extensor carpi ulnaris superficial,extends wrist, adducts wrist Pronator teres and supinator originate on humerus and ulna, rotate radius Pronator quadratus originates on ulna assists pronator teres Extrinsic muscles of the hand move the hand and fingers they are entirely within forearm only tendons cross wrist (in synovial tendon sheaths) The muscles are the extensor retinaculum which is a wide band of connective tissueposterior surface of wrist and stabilizes tendons of extensor muscles. The flexor retinaculum is on the anterior surface of wrist it stabilizes tendons of the flexor muscles. Muscles of the Pelvis and Lower Limbs include the the pelvic girdle which is tightly bound to axial skeleton it permits little movement and has few muscles The Muscles that Position the Lower Limbs consist of ,Muscles that move the thigh and Muscles that move the leg, Muscles that move the foot and toes Muscles that Move the Thigh are the gluteal muscles , lateral rotators ,adductors Iliopsoas. Cover lateral surfaces of ilia Gluteus maximus is the largest most posterior gluteal muscle it produces extension and lateral rotation at hip.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Using the French Expletive Connard in Conversation
Using the French Expletive Connard in Conversation The French noun connardà (pronounced kuh-nar) is an informal term commonly used as an expletive. Loosely translated, it means idiot or jerk, although most people understand it to mean something more obscene. As with all slang, its important to understand what youre saying before you go using it in everyday conversation. You and your friends may toss around expletives like connardà knowing that youre joking. But you probably wouldnt want to use such language in a formal situation or in front of strangers. Translation and Usage A more direct translation ofà connardà would be ahole or any number of variations on the f-word. A French person searching for a synonym might choose imbà ©cileà orà crà ©tin.à There is alsoà a feminine version:à une connarde / une connasseà for cow. Examples of Usage Here are a few examples for context. To be clear, we are not recommending using this term. But it will be useful to understand it because it can be overheard on the streets of any French city or town. Cest un vrai connard ! Hes a real jerk!Tu es leà connardà de lautre nuit.à Casse-toi ! Youre the [expletive] from the other night. Get away!Et je suppose que le saleà connardà veut quelque chose en à ©change.à à And I assume the dirtyà [expletive] wants something in return.Ecoute, tu devenais un incroyableà connard. à Listen, you were becoming/being an unbelievable jerk.Babe Ruth à ©tait unà connard, mais le baseball reste gà ©nial.à à Babe Ruth wasà [expletive], but baseballs stillà beautiful.Tu peux pas me parler, espà ¨ce deà connard.à You cant talk to me, you son of anà [expletive].Cest pas toi qui poseà la question,à connard.à à Youre not asking the question,à [expletive].Vandalisme, arme blanche : Ten prends pour six mois,à connard.à Vandalism, deadly weapon. You get six months in lockup,à [expletive].Ouai, ben, soul ou sobre, tes toujours unà connard.à à Yeah, well, drunk or sober, youre still an [expletive].
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Should we be more suspicious of the benefits that Computer Dependency Essay
Should we be more suspicious of the benefits that Computer Dependency brings - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that we live in a world where technological evolution dictates the next level of the evolution of the human race. Computers are at the forefront of each activity that is a part and parcel of our daily lives. From waking us up in the morning to heating up a bag of popcorn, the computer has taken over even the most menial tasks that used to define a person as a human being. Just like any other piece of technology or equipment that becomes an integral part of our lives, there are certain risks involved each time we use the gadget. It is this percentage of danger that the detractors of our society's dependency on computers use as the basis of their anti-computer campaigns. There are quite a number of valid yet controversial points of view when it comes to the benefits that we reap from the existence of computers versus the consequences that we face as a society as we become more and more dependent on software, hardware, and serv ers for storing and usage of our vital information. With the steady rise of computer crimes, hacking, identity theft, embezzlement, and fraud one cannot help but wonder if our implicit trust in the benefits of computer usage is not a misguided result of a well financed PR campaign. Looking deeper into the crimes and other problems associated with computer dependency, it does seem like the use of computers encourages crimes against the economy and man. The first argument against the growing intrusion of computers into our private lives has to do with online privacy concerns. We are storing more and more personal information on the internet in order to access the services that we need. Everything from our full name to our social security number floats around in cyberspace, waiting for us to use the information. That is if the information is not hacked from the system and used by other people in our name. Computer hacking has become one of the greatest concerns for those of us who have become reliant on the internet and computers for the accomplishment of tasks such as paying for our bills and updating our medical records. Cybercrime has become such a high profile problem for our country that the highest echelons of homeland security have become part of the government forces trying to secure the internet by combating internet related crime (Bell, Josephine Computer Economics A Great Dependence with Explicit Consequences) . On a personal level, computers have been proven to be beneficial to our society as it has given people a venue by which they can freely air out their grievances and demand action from the political leaders. It has allowed the masses to become empowered even as dictator governments try to crack down on them and silence their voices. The advent of social media has ensured that every man will have a voice that can and will be heard across the globe. Thanks to computers, changes for the better were seen this past year in the Middle East. That is a good thing. The whole world saw their struggles and pitched in whenever they could in order to insure that change would indeed be effected for the benefit of many in that region of the world. Computers have seen to it that a new era has dawned upon our society. We now live in the age and time of computers. Due to the multitasking capabilities of computers, we have seen the machine take over various work roles that were originally deemed to be done only by human beings. The technological advancements in the world of business has resulted in the loss of jobs of people due to the more efficient ways and means that computers manage to execute tasks. The loss of jobs to technological advancements have resulted in the fast changing pace and face of our society in the 21st century. These advancements were not all positive and neither were they all negative in the way that the existence of social networks have changed the way we interact with one another. The bad thing, is that the anonymit y that is offered by social media sites such as twitter and Facebook, has
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
LOREAL BUILDING A GLOBAL COSMETIC BRAND. Pages 644- 651 of your main Case Study - 1
LOREAL BUILDING A GLOBAL COSMETIC BRAND. Pages 644- 651 of your main text Ghauri and Cateora text book (2010) - Case Study Example Lââ¬â¢Oreal has managed to penetrate the market deeper because of the strength of its brand. Mostly, it is its association with top models and proper marketing that has aided the company to fly high. Amid strong competitive environment, Lââ¬â¢Oreal has fully engrossed in one line of product production to achieve quality. Unlike its competitors who have diversified, Lââ¬â¢Oreal has only opted to stay fixed to one line of production. Branding is a major asset of a company and through it; a company can either achieve market or financial advantage (Jayachandran 2004). A brand can be defined as a name which influences buyers. Throughout its entire period in the market Lââ¬â¢Oreal has managed to grab the attention of customers. At the display of its products customers are easily evoked to make a purchase. Lââ¬â¢Oreal has adopted a method of saliency, differentiation and intensity to market its products globally. Being an attention driven economy brand campaign is a requirement, bringing to the fore the major attributes of the product aids the sale of that product; these are the mechanisms which Lââ¬â¢Oreal has incorporated in its strategy (Cant 2006). Lââ¬â¢Orealââ¬â¢s brand has been a certitude and risk reducer in the market. Each moment a customer comes across these products they feel contended about the quality and use of them. Lââ¬â¢Orealââ¬â¢s product images portray a quality and functional product which is essentially attractive in the eyes of the customers. It is these appealing techniques which have spurred the growth of this company. A clear observation at the taglines of the company is a sign that its planning mechanisms are up to date; ââ¬Ëbecause you are worth itââ¬â¢. These Cathy taglines are what pull customers continually to remain loyal in the companyââ¬â¢s products. It gives a sense of caring and concern to customers in the market (Little & Marandi 2003) The logo chosen by the company is a simple and easily interpreted
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Human Resource Management Term Paper
International Human Resource Management - Term Paper Example HR has come a long way from its traditional role of personnel management to being considered the strategic partner of the organization. Today HR plays a proactive role in taking the initiatives and concentrating on the deliverables. HR is involved not only in the implementation of strategy but also in strategy formulation. HR is now considered one of the sources of competitive advantage for the company. Although the role and importance of HR is not debatable any more but in practice its role varies not only from company to company but also from country to country. This paper will discuss international human resource management and its various approaches with special reference to Spain. The aim of this paper is to study the institutional context that shapes and influences HRM in Spain. Different laws related to HRM, education and training system, employer organizations, trade union organization, collective bargaining structures, company governance arrangements and its impacts on HRM w ill be discussed here. A case study of a Spanish organization will also be discussed to study various practices and activities of HR. Historical Background of HRM in Spain Although human capital has always been important but recently the importance of human capital with comparison to capital, raw material, land and even technology has increased a lot. It is believed now that in this global world the key to success is having a better human capital than your competitors. It is difficult to obtain and control positive contributions from the employees hence efforts are made to make an environment that ensures voluntary flow of such employee behavior. The concept of Human resource management (HRM) has followed the same path which international HRM has followed moving from personnel management to strategic HRM. The development of HRM in Spain can be better understood if the developments are studied in the chronological order. The history of Spanish HRM can be divided into five periods. HR M during the Franco regime, (1950-9) marked by clerk autarchy The economic crises and political transition, Human Relations (1960-76) Development planning From the economic crises to economic recovery, labor relations (1977-85) conflicts and agreements HRM in todayââ¬â¢s Spain In the period of clerk autarchy the main focus was on bureaucracy. HR was restricted to the daily management of data and ensuring working according to the pre-established rules and regulations. It was the era of personnel management. The purpose of the personnel management was to make employeeââ¬â¢s comply with the rules and regulations of the business. Spain has seen different labor conditions during its development. The first form was the personnel management where foreman was assigned the role of personnel manager but in a very restricted form. The second phase was of the economic crises and political transition. It is marked by human resource development planning. In this phase the shift was towards technocracy. The qualified employees were given importance through various incentives for enhancing performance, training and development programs, appropriate selection process accompanied by adequate salary scales classified according to the service. Here the personnel management role of HR was to ensure that employees adapt according
Friday, November 15, 2019
Development of the Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale
Development of the Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale Patient Health Questionnaire depression scale (PHQ) is an eighty-two items measure, divided into five clinical components (Kroenke, Spitzer Williams, 2001). PHQ is used to assess mood, anxiety, somatoform inclination, alcoholism and disorders related to eating habits. PHQ is found to be beneficial in primary care settings because of the early screening and detection the disorder. Responses ranging from ââ¬Å"not at all to nearly every dayâ⬠and score from 0 to 3 points. Respondents asked to mark his/her feelings they gone through by the past two weeks. PHQ has three shorter versions; one with nine items derived from the original version called Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale-9 (PHQ-9), eight items and two item versions are called PHQ-8 (Kroenke, Strine, Spitzer, Williams, Berry Mokdad, 2008)and PHQ-2 respectively. Zung Depression Inventory (Zung, 1965) is a 20 items self-rating depression inventory for diagnosis depression in psychiatric settings. Where, 20 items divided into 10 negative statements and 10 positive statements, included affective, somatic and psychological symptoms of depression. The response format ranged from 1 (a little of the time) to 4 (most of the time) points scale and the diagnostic scores divide into category of four. Scores ranging between 20-80 points, where, less than50 regarded normal, less than 60 as having mild depression, less than 70 as having major depression, while 70 and above regarded as severe major depression. Besides the adolescents and adult depression measures, there was a need to have measures for assessing depression in geriatric people. There is not much work done on this issue. Depression is not a process of aging, though somewhat people affected by it in their late life. The reason could be retirement from jobs, impairment in daily routine, cognitive functioning, and decreased quality of life (Blazer, 2009). Among other measure of depression available, Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) is uses commonly in hospitals and by other health care professionals (Yesavage, Brink, Rose, Lum, Huang, Adey Leirer, 1983). GDS is developed by Yesavage (1982) in a dichotomous yes/no format, has two measures one is long form consisting 30-item questionnaire, while other is short form consisting 15-item questionnaire. GDS assessed the intensity of depression, participant felt in the preceding week (Greenberg, 2007). Children depression scales are significant components of assessing depression and their mental health. Childrenââ¬â¢s self-report measures of depression are relatively newer addition although fastest emerging in clinical psychology because of the importance of the issue. Weinberg Depression Scale for Children and Adolescents (WDSCA) is a 56 items, dichotomous response format measure developed for assessing depression in children and adolescent aged 5-21 years. Another commonly used questionnaire is Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale Modified for Children (CES-DC) is a derivation of adult CES-D. CES-DC is a 20 items measure with the same statements although the wordings related to childrenââ¬â¢s level of comprehension (Faulstich, Carey Ruggiero, Enyart Gresham, 1986). One more measure for addressing depressive symptoms in terms of behavior and feelings in childrens is Childrens Depression Scale (CDS)-3rd Ed. CDS is a 50 item scale developed for the childrens 7 to 18 years of age. CDS has two depression and pleasure scales with separate forms for boys and girls (Poznannski, Cook Carroll, 1979). Multi-score Depression Inventory for Children (MDI-C) is developed for childrens age ranging between 8-12years. MDI-C is 79-items original scale and 47-items short version with true/false response format. MDI-C addressed childrenââ¬â¢s mood, affect, behavior, self-esteem, social interaction, defiance, and learned helplessness. Moreover there is another children inventory developed named Child Depression Inventory (CDI). CDI is an extension of BDI, with 27 items and 10 items scale for children and adolescents. The age is ranged between 7-17 years. CDI covers broad spectrum of childââ¬â¢s behavior, emotional problems in home and school living for preceding 2 weeks. Likewise, Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ) developed by Angold Costello (1987) assess the childââ¬â¢s recent feelings and affect. MFQ is a 33-items long form and 13-items short form, and score ranging between 0 (not true) to 2 (true) points. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Use of self administered diagnostic tool for depression has been increased these days as a quick and reliable step in measuring depression for accurate treatment regimen in patients with chronic illnesses. An analytical approach employed in the development of the Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale (DCIS) i.e. the item selection and the method of assessing the individualââ¬â¢s level of Depression was based on a theory. In the case of present scale the theory was that of Beckââ¬â¢s (1967). The theory holds that cognitive distortions, dysfunctional beliefs and negative thoughts about an experience are responsible for having depression (Compass Gotlib, 2002). Mental and behavioral problems interlinked and begin because of the negatively twisted thinking processes. Furthermore, depression has four major components that are affective, cognitive, behavioral and biological. The present study carried out in two phases, where the first phase involved in development of the DCIS scale whilst second phase in validation of the newly developed scale. Phase I Development of the Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale The development of scale involved following steps: Step 1: In-depth interview with chronically ill patients from various hospitals, view-points of health professionals and people from different community settings. Participants: Three different samples were taken for this step in which 30 participants (20 females and 10 males) of health professionals, 30 people (15 females and 15 males) from different community settings and 30 chronically ill patients (13 females and 17 males) from various hospitals of Karachi were recruited as respondents. Procedure: Health care professionals: 30 (20 females and 10 males) health care professionals (e.g. doctors, psychologists nurses) were approached. Their age ranged between 25-40 years. Initially a brief verbal presentation was given them about purpose of the study. Then they were requested to provide their view points for depression that could be their observation or experience in their lives (Annexure A, English) and (Annexure B, Urdu). Following instruction was given along with two sheets of paper. ââ¬Å"Depression isa mental state described by oneââ¬â¢s feeling of sadness, loneliness, hopelessness, low self-esteem, and self-reproachâ⬠. They were allowed to express their views easily in any language i-e English or Urdu. People from community settings: 30 participants (15 females and 15 males) from different community settings i.e house wives, office workers, teachers and students from colleges and universities of Karachi were approached. Their age ranged from 18-45 years. Initially the reason of the study was extensively explained to them. Then they were requested to provide their view points about depression that could be their observation or experience in their lives (Annexure A, English) and (Annexure B, Urdu). Following instruction was given along with two sheets of paper. ââ¬Å"Depression isa mental state described by oneââ¬â¢s feeling of sadness, loneliness, hopelessness, low self-esteem, and self-reproachâ⬠. They were allowed to express their views easily in any language i-e English or Urdu. Chronically ill patients: 30 chronically ill patients (13females and 17 males) were approached from different hospitals of Karachi. Their age ranged between 28-48 years. They were extensively and clearly explained the purpose of study and the reason for interview to put them in ease. They were further explained about confidentiality. A semi-structured in-depth interview was done on each chronically ill patient individually that explored their perspective, cognitions, feelings and behaviors about their illness in general and specific situations of life. They were asked open-ended questions (Annexure C), such as ââ¬Å"how are you feeling today?â⬠Their responses were recorded for further analysis. Results: The information explored during semi-structured in-depth interview with patients was summarized and analyzed. The point of views provided by health professionals and people from different community settings used for content analysis. The data from patients, heath care professionals and people from different community settings was qualitatively analyzed and common and relevant content was retained and uncommon content discarded. Step 2: item writing and selection Initially pool of the items were generated through quantitative analysis by using the definitions provided by the chronically ill patients, health professionals and people from different community settings (step 1) Few items from established measures of depression such as Beck depression inventory (1967) were selected and those selected items were culturally relevant items as well. Primarily the selected items were translated in Urdu then included in the item pool (step 2). Before given the item pool to the experts for rating, the content of the items was closely scrutinized by the researcher and supervisor to find out major weaknesses. Omissions and inclusions according to their relevance in each component were made and repetitive items and ambiguous items were deleted. Then, to determine the construct validity of the final scale the panels of judges/psychologists were asked to scrutinize items of the scale keeping in focus the Beck model of Depression. Psychologists were given printed material on the theoretical model of Depression as proposed by Beck (1967), that explained briefly and precisely the three aspects of depression, along with few sample items from already developed scale of Beck depression Inventory. After giving the material on Beckââ¬â¢s (1967) theory they were requested to rate each item on a 1 to 5 rating scale according to its relevance in each of the three components (Annexure D). They were asked to give an item a score of 1 if it is not at all related to the component/concept in question and give a rating of 4 or 5 if the item seems to be highly related to the component/concept in question. The items that had an average rating of 4 and above were selected and the items that had rating below 4 were discarded. Psychologists were replied back with their expert perspective in an objective manner to rate the formulated items for each component of the scale. Finally selected items were reduced to 28 total items (Annexure E). Step 3: Pilot Study Sample: A pilot study carried out by using the judgeââ¬â¢s and psychologistââ¬â¢s rated scale and with the purpose of to evaluate the adequacy of scale and to make needed alterations accordingly. The sample of 60 (31 males 29 females) chronically ill patients and they were conveniently selected from various hospitals of Karachi. The age ranges of participants were between 18 to 50 years. Procedure: A 28 itemed scale was administered (Annexure F) on the participants with a demographic form in which they asked to write their name, age, education and illness. Those participants selected for pilot study who can comprehend Urdu easily. Further they were required to identify vague, repetitive, and difficult to understand items. Result: Finally selected scale after pilot study reduced to 18 items (Annexure G). Item those were difficult to understand, and vague for majority of the participants were excluded. Step 4: factor analysis and item total correlation Sample: To find out factor analysis and item total correlation, final Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale (18 items) was administered on 270 (154 males, 116 females) chronically ill patients from various hospitals of Karachi. Their age ranged between 18- 50 years and they were conveniently selected. Procedure: Later than taking the written permission from hospitalââ¬â¢s authorities, participants were explained about the details and purpose of the study along with a short demographic form, consent form (Annexure I) and final Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale. Only those participants were included who volunteer to participate thus they could self-report the questionnaire. They were then requested to choose the one option of all eighteen items on DCIS, about which they think most related to their feelings during past six months. The choice of options was from strongly agree, agree and disagree to strongly disagree. Phase II: Validation of Chronic Illnesses Scale The second phase involved in determining the newly developed scaleââ¬â¢s psychometric properties. Item total correlation, alpha internal consistency, split half reliability and convergent validity was calculated Reliability Analysis Sample and procedure: For test re-tests reliability a sample consisted of 60 chronically ill patients (26 females, 34 males), age ranging from 18-50 years, recruited from various hospital of Karachi and for internal consistency analysis sample consisted of 270 chronically ill patients (103 males, 90 females) with the age range of 18-50 years from different hospitals of Karachi. The Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale was administered twice on participants at an interval of one week. Test re-tests reliability found out by computing Pearson r by using SPSS IBM version 22. Those participants comprehend easily the language of the scale were selected. For calculating internal consistency (item-total correlation inter-items correlation) Cronbachââ¬â¢s alpha was computed and for split half reliability all items were divided randomly into two equal sets, then split-half reliability estimated by the proportion between these two total scores. Validity Analysis To assess the convergent validity the two scales were administered along with DCIS on 100 chronically ill patients selected from various hospitals of Karachi, age ranging between 18 to 50 years. Only those participants were selected who were bilingual or easily comprehend English language. The two scales used for assessing convergent validity were, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977) Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD; Hamilton, 1960) Procedure: Participants were asked to complete the Depression in Chronic Illnesses Scale with Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. The Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression was used by the administrator. Measures: The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977) is a 20-item self-report rating scale that assesses mood, somatic complaints, interactions with others, and motor functioning. Itââ¬â¢s a 4-point rating scale, scores ranges from 0-3 (rarely or none of the time=0, some or little of the time=1, occasionally or a moderate amount of time=2 and most or all of the time=3). The final score spans from 0 to 60, with a higher score indicating high intensity of depression. People with a final score of 16 or lower are identified as non-depressed; however, the higher are typically identified as a depressive ââ¬Ëcaseââ¬â¢ (Annexure I). Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HRSD; Hamilton, 1960) is a 17-item, multiple choice clinician/health professionalââ¬â¢s observation rating scale, design to assess the severity of depression in terms of mood, somatic complains, work and activity, sleep and insight. Itââ¬â¢s a type of semi structured interview. Score ranging from 0-52, where score more than 23 indicative of very high intensity of depression, 19-22 high intensity, 14-18 moderate intensity, 8-13 mild and lower than 8 indicative of no depression (Annexure J). Cut off Scores In order to find out classificatory indices of DCIS, quartile 1, quartile 3 and intra-quartile had been calculated of eighteen items of the scale i.e. mild, moderate and severe level of depression in patients with chronic illnesses. Result: After computing the eighteen items of DCIS, the classificatory indices of the scores are, 0-16.25 indicates minimal depression, 17-25 indicates mild depression, 25-33 indicates moderate depression and more than 33 points indicates severe level of depression. Operational Definitions: Depression: Depression generally a state of mood characterize by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy dejection and a despondent lack of activity. Depression causes changes in view, emotion, behavior, and physical well-being. It is a widespread, intricate and complicated disorder, (Horwath, 2004). Reliability: Reliability of a test is referring to the consistency of a test.A test is reliable when it produces consistent and steady results over time (Phelan, Wren, 2005). There are different types of reliability in which, test re-test reliability is a correlation between the scores of same group test at two different times on same test. This type of reliability uses to evaluate consistency of a test over time. Inter-rater reliability achieved by given a test to more than one judges for rating. The ratings then compare to establish the consistency of a test. Internal consistency reliability is correlation between items of the same test. Split half reliability is correlation between two halves of one test to assess the internal consistency of a test. Parallel-forms reliability is measured by comparing the correlation of scores of two different tests used for assessing same construct. These two tests administered at same time on same sample Validity: Validity is one of the basic attributes of a test. Validity is a degree to which a test is measure what claims to measure (Cronbach, 1971). A test would be considered valid when it efficiently measures the specific characteristic that it means to be measure. There are four common types of estimation validity. Predictive validity is referring to the accuracy that how well a test guesses the future performance. The usual method is use to measure the approach to predict the future behavior solely on the basis of obtained scores. Criterion related validity used to predict future or current performance on a test. Content validity is referring to the extent to which how much a test represents every single item of the same construct. Construct validity refer to the extent to which a test measure a theoretical construct or attribute. Convergent and discriminant validity are two type of construct validity in which construct validity refers to which a test positively correlate with other measu re of same construct while discriminant validity refer to a test does not correlate with other measure of different construct (Campbell Fisk, 1959a).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
High-Tech Education
Using high technology methods in the process of education is a serious matter that a lot of people argue about it, some agree and the others disagree with it. Although it provides the education with a lot of futures that makes it better than the past. It also has some disadvantages that reflect on this process. But they think that old methods that were applied in the classrooms have more benefits than that high tech ones. And some people also consider that these new technology may change the role of both student and teacher to be unlike as usual. One of its disadvantages according to the author's opinion is that it may also distract students and fragment their attentionâ⬠¦. ââ¬Å"Why am I against using technology in the classroom? Why do I ban laptops in my classroom?. This article by David Cole, a professor of Law at Georgetown University. Was published on 23 of October, 2008,In the Washington Post. The main claims that the author thinking about it may be summarized in some specific points like that he considers that by using these high tech methods in education like internet, laptops and blue ray DVD Players might actually hinder the education not making it better because they make both students and teachers or doctors passive. The author hopes that if classrooms are restored to the Pre-Internet days of wooden tables and chalk. This means taking technology out of the class room and back to ââ¬Å"TEACHING NAKEDâ⬠. By flying to the purpose of his we can mention that he totally disagrees with this new education system and he agrees strongly with the ââ¬Å"TEACHING NAKEDâ⬠. Without the aid of any machines just because Dr Jose Bowen thinks that if you have a good PowerPoint presentation it does not mean you have a good lecture. Classroom time should be reserved for discussions with professors, aiming at teaching students to think critically, argue, and raise new questions. Then, by analyzing the author's opinion and his point of view, the pre-internet days of wooden tables and chalk are the most suitable and useful way of learning and educating people because this old technique allows educators to think, work, exert efforts and teaching themselves and never forget what they had, always remember it during applying it in their aily life. Unlike the high-tech learning which provides easy way for learning and just reading not sharing at all, so he just receives the information not work or search for it. And the author provided his theory with slight strong evidences and reasons, than can Be summarized in the following explanation as, a survey that found that 59 percent of students called at least half their lectures boring ââ¬âparticularly those involving power point. Then , he thinks that ââ¬Å"note taking on a laptop encourages verbatim transcription and the note taker tends to go into stenographic mode and no longer processes information in a way that is conducive to the give and take of classroom discussion because of taking notes the old fashioned way , by hand , is so much slower , the student actually has to listen , think and prioritize the most important themes . So as he thinks if one's idea of a lecture is a process by which the notes of the
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Race Without Color Essay
In this article written by Jared Diamond entitled ââ¬Å"Race Without Colorâ⬠, he explains about the difference of race in humanity and how humans should not be classified that way because there are too many variations. Depending on how a person looks, they would be put into a certain race categories such as ââ¬Å"African blacks,â⬠ââ¬Å"whites,â⬠ââ¬Å"Mongoloids,â⬠ââ¬Å"aboriginal Australiansâ⬠, and ââ¬Å"Khoisans.â⬠However, this classification of humans only affect how we view others; it does not involve our senses or who we are as a person. This can be discriminating. Anthropologists believe that humans should not be classified into a particular race. There are other ways to group humans, such as natural selection, sexual preferences, and fingerprints. Diamond goes on to explain how confusion may come up in classifications. In the human race, people in different races are visibly different. This also holds true in the animal world. He gives the example of a common bird, the yellow-rumped warbler. The birdââ¬â¢s throat color in the west is yellow and in the east is white. They have different songs and environmental preferences yet have the same name. Racial classification for these two birds is simple; the color of their throat, song, and their environment. However, their differences in these areas lead to different varied offspring. Some traits in animals alternate because of natural selection. Natural selection has to do with the survival in a particular environment. For example the hare who is white to blend in with snow so that it is invisible to predators. As humans, we live all over the world in different areas and climates. We have traits brought out by natural selection to adapt to the area we live in. Our skin color, body type, height, and hair color all play a role in the environment we live in. Thus is why race is not always a good way to describe cultural differences in humans. If we were to classify the human race by this different criteria, it would produce different groupings. Racial classifications are not a good way to describe biological differences in humans. If we were to classify races by body chemistry, it would be different than races defined by the color of our skin. When it comes to skin color, it plays a role in the climate. People look a certain way in certain parts of the world so that they can survive in that particular environment. For example, someone with very light skin would not do well in an environment with a lot of sun. Other traits have to do with sexual selection are our hair, eye color, and other beauty traits play a role in sexual preference. In America today, we donââ¬â¢t dye or hair or change our appearance to survive. Itââ¬â¢s to become more sexually attractive. Science does not play a part in racial classification, but the way our body reacts to someone does. There is another way to classify humans and that is by fingerprint. To do this, everyone with the same pattern would be grouped together. However, fingerprints have nothing to do with survival. Fingerprints also have nothing to do with sexual preferences. There is no real function to a personââ¬â¢s fingerprint. There are certain traits in humans that play a function such as the color of our skin for survival. Others have no function such as fingerprints. Particular traits play a role in sexual preference, such as eye color or hair color. Science does not play a role in racial classification, but attraction does. Our body can tell us if we are attracted to someone or not. People now are more varied in appearance. Now, it is unnecessary to rank people with many difference appearances into a racial classification.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Learn About the Difference Between Corporate Ownership and Management
Learn About the Difference Between Corporate Ownership and Management Today, many large corporations have a great number of owners. In fact, aà major company may be owned by a million or more people. These owners are generally called shareholders. In the case of a public company with a great number of these shareholders, a majority mayà hold fewer than 100 shares of stock each. This widespread ownership has given many Americans a direct stake in some of the nations biggest companies. By the mid-1990s, more than 40% of U.S. families owned common stock, either directly or through mutual funds or other intermediaries. This scenario is a far cry from the corporate structure of but one hundred years agoà and marks a great shift in the concepts of corporation ownership versus management. Corporation Ownership Versus Corporation Management The widely dispersed ownership of Americas largest corporations has to lead to a separation of the concepts of corporate ownership and control. Because shareholders generally cannot know and manage the full details of a corporations business (nor do many wish to), they elect a board of directors to make broad corporate policy. Typically, even members of a corporations board of directors and managers own less than 5% of the common stock, though some may own far more than that. Individuals, banks, or retirement funds often own blocks of stock, but even these holdings generally account for only a small fraction of the total of the companys stock. Usually, only a minority of board members are operating officers of the corporation. Some directors are nominated by the company to give prestige to the board, others to provide certain skills or to represent lending institutions. For these very reasons, it is not unusual for one person to serve on several different corporate boards at the same time. Corporate Board of Directors and Corporate Executives While corporate boards are elected to direct corporate policy, those boards typically delegate day-to-day management decisions to a chief executive officer (CEO), who may also operate as the boards chairman or president. The CEO supervises other corporate executives, including a number of vice presidents who oversee various corporate functions and divisions. The CEO will also oversee other executives like the chief financial officer (CFO), the chief operating officer (COO), and the chief information officer (CIO). The position of CIO is by far the newest executive title to American corporate structure. It was first introduced in the late 1990s as high technology became a crucial part of U.S. business affairs. The Power of the Shareholders As long as a CEO has the confidence of the board of directors, he or she is generally permitted a great deal of freedom in running and management of the corporation. But sometimes, individual and institutional stockholders, acting in concert and with the backing of dissident candidates for the board, can exert enough power to force a change in management. Other than these more extraordinary circumstances, shareholders participation in the company whose stock they hold is limited to annual shareholder meetings. Even so, generally only a few people attend annual shareholder meetings. Most shareholders vote on the election of directors and important policy proposals by proxy, that is, by mailing in election forms. In recent years, however, some annual meetings have seen more shareholders- perhaps several hundred- in attendance. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requires corporations to give groups challenging management access to mailing lists of stockholders to present their views.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Ford essays
Ford essays They can start out as simple as a dream, or a sketch on a napkin during lunch. But by the time you see them, vehicles from Ford Motor Company have been designed and tested to look and perform their best. Here are some stories that chronicle that process. From the Model T to the latest futuristic designs, the engineers at Ford have a long history of design innovation. Here you can get a glimpse of some of the latest visions of the cars of the future. Keeping up to date with current technology is essential to ensuring reliability and safety. See how Ford puts cutting edge developments to work on important issues like Y2K compliance. All great innovations begin with a strong commitment to research. Meet the people behind some of our better ideas and visit places like the Ford Research Laboratory, where exciting new strides are being made in the technology that drives your car. Ford's commitment to the latest research and technology is evident in the cars you see on the road today. Find out more about the cars you want to drive. Innovative solutions to keep you safe and secure. Of all the things we transport in our vehicles, the most important are our children. See what Ford is doing to help keep them safe. Learning to drive remains one of the biggest rites-of-passage for our youth. Read about some of the ways Ford is helping to train the next generation of drivers. When used correctly, they're one of the best safety devices on your vehicle. This section will answer a lot of your questions and explain how air bags work. Buckling up and making sure kids are properly restrained in the rear seat are two important ways you can help keep everyone safe. Here are some other ways Ford is helping to do the same. Dedicated to providing ingenious environmental solutions ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Rise of E-Business in the Music Industry (I like this topic Term Paper
The Rise of E-Business in the Music Industry (I like this topic because Im a Musician) - Term Paper Example Management information systems store and organize data such that useful analysis can be done on it for the betterment of the respective e-business company. 1. Introduction The advent of computers has caused an effect on almost every walk of life. The technological advancement has created many opportunities in numerous fields, ranging from medicine to education, travel to business. The field of business has seen revolutionary changes that have made it more structured and accessible. The invention of e-commerce or e-business has given the organizations an excellent opportunity to access millions of consumers on the web., (2010) explained that e-business can be defined as the conduct of business by means of the incorporation of technology; it also refers to the buying or selling of products and services on the internet. E-business has made its place in a diverse range of areas for example, book stores, hotel booking, airline tickets, movies and music etc. E-business has no t only provided convenience to the consumer but it has also generated new avenues for the organizations to earn profits since it tends to reach a greater market segment than the conventional mode of business. 2. Overview The 20th century witnessed the evolution of different types of formats of music. The long playing (LP) record albums were famous and adapted by people for many years. A gramophone was needed to play the records. Then, the music lovers saw the advent of cassettes that could be played in comparatively smaller players. The size of the cassettes was smaller than the records therefore it was considered to be more manageable by the people. Cassettes became the main source of revenue for the music companies between the 1970s and 1990s. Later in 1990s, the invention of compact discs (CDs) improved the quality of music and became a new source of income for the music companies. The quality of sound improved with the invention of the CD therefore that technology started gainin g more fame than cassettes. The advent of the 21st century brought an unexpected change for the music business. It was a new music format that did not depend on any physical device like a cassette or CD- MP3. MP3 format could be saved in any computing device thereby changing conventional form of music to digital music. 3. Negative side of Digital Music The concept of digital music took a negative turn in 1999 when a young man named Shawn Fanning created the platform of ââ¬ËNapsterââ¬â¢. According to Greenfeld, Taylor and Thigpen (2000); Napster was a file sharing platform that allowed the users to share files amongst each other on the internet. Instant messaging and search options were some of the features that allowed the users to find their desired music on the web. This platform gave the users an opportunity to listen to music without any expense. It is due to this reason that Napster became very famous and starting harming the music companies to a great extent. It was a ce ntralized platform which became the reason for its downfall. Olsen (2003) provided the information that Universal Music Group and EMI filed a suit against Napster for the illegal downloads that were allowed under the respective technology. The website was shutdown in the early years of the 21st century and stopped piracy of digital music. This was a big step for the music label companies as they were able to put a stop to a huge
Friday, November 1, 2019
Corporate strategy of pirelli Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Corporate strategy of pirelli - Essay Example It is a pioneer in the field of rubber related industries. It has perused expansions in tire and telecom industry both vertically and horizontally. Pirelli generated tremendous employment opportunities ever since its inception. Even in 1872 it employed close to one thousand people, an indication of the economic contributions, since their inception. Pirelliââ¬â¢s growth ensured economic prosperity not only in Italy but also in other parts of the World. Pirelli expanded its business and spread prosperity by increasing the GDP of the nationââ¬â¢s it operates. Developed nations were more than interested to avail the services of Pirelli as it would bring economic prosperity to their nations. When an organization wants to expand, it can pursue growth strategies. Some of the growth strategies are a) Expansion through integration b) Expansion through diversification c) Expansion through cooperation. Pirelliââ¬â¢s expansion plans consisted of all the above mentioned options. Integration basically means combining activities on the basis of the value chain related to the present activity of the company. From rubber sheets, belts, slabs, and vulcanized products initially to making of two wheeler and four wheeler tires is an example of their vertical forward integration. Pirelli was also seen making rapid progress in its horizontal integration. Pirelli was a pioneer in diversification of its businesses. In fact, integrating in the lines of the existing business it self is an act of concentric diversification. Apart from that Pirelli started growing geographically at a rapid, yet in a systematic manner. Pirelliââ¬â¢s internationalization started from the beginning of 1900 onwards. Its expansion to Barcelona in Spain was followed by a similar venture in Britain in 1914, and by 1920 factories had also been set up in Brazil, Greece, Argentina, Turkey, and German is a fact of Pirelliââ¬â¢s clinical approach towards internationalization of their businesses. Initiatives were also made
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Organizational strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Organizational strategy - Case Study Example This paper will discuss how the economic recession has affected the strategic management of the organization, and how it has survived the economic pressures that could otherwise downturn the business (Bateson 2005, p. 98). Coca-cola Company is one of the most successful companies that have laid down some fundamental strategies in order to promote its growth and sustainability. It is the leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage in the world. The company believes that consumers are the life of their business. It operates in more than two hundred countries, including Britain with four hundred brands. These brands include water, juice drinks, coffees, teas, sports drinks, energy drinks, diet beverage and many others. They connect to future consumer by providing high quality products. Their employees are skilled and the materials they use are of high quality ( Economic recession has had impact on the human resource management strategy of the Company's organization. It has led to higher unemployment, inflation, as well as the cost of living expenses. On the consumer side, economic recession has led to lower disposable income and lower purchasing power. The weakened economy has negatively affected the bottling companies; hence threaten the stability of the company due to the dependent relationship. Moreover, it has led to increased activity at the lower ends of Coca Cola product price in Britain (Bateson 2005, p. 102). The rate of interests has raised the depressing business, hence causing lower spending levels and redundancies. The 2008 economic analysis for Coca Cola Company shows that the economy was strong and nearly every part of it was growing and doing well. The economic crisis which was suggested by several important indicators of economic downturn in Britain include high oil prices, which led to high food prices, as well as using ethanol and biodiesel as an alternative to petroleum ( The company has tried to fight the economic pressures; it has significant opportunities that develop and encourage more sustainable practices to benefit their customers, suppliers and consumers throughout the supply chain. The company's system is among the world's leading purchasers of sugar, coffee and citrus; for this reason, its organizational strategy is not affected by the economic recession because agriculture has a large environmental and social footprint in the world (Bateson 2005, p. 112). As the population increases, the sector of agriculture will need to produce more food, both stressing supply, hence increasing the footprint. Agriculture products are ingredients in many of their beverages, thus the sustainability of the company depends on the agriculture supply chain. For this reason, their bottling partners and the procurement teams are working together to incorporate sustainability criteria into the long term purchasing plans. Coca-Cola Company has worked hard to generate high pricing growth and acquire operating expenses and effectiveness in their strategic plans. This has enabled them stabilize their business for proper managing of their targets. The company has continued to plan for useful marketing strategies and approaches that would enable overcome consumer and market trends that impact the business,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Canadas Changing Demographics and the Work Force Essay Example for Free
Canadas Changing Demographics and the Work Force Essay What has happened to Canadaââ¬â¢s demographics over the past 50 years? Over the past fifty years, Canadaââ¬â¢s demographics have been fluctuating significantly in terms of age and sex structure. During the mid-twentieth century, the population distribution pyramid was owned by the younger people and youth while the aged were not as highly populated. Now, the pyramid does not even resemble a pyramid; an increase in life expectancy, and a drop in fertility rates may account for such a drastic and effective transformation, and this sudden drop on the charts represents the large cohorts of the baby boomers, who are now beginning to play, perhaps even a slightly harmful, role in the economic workforce. In terms of statistics, these changes represent well the aging that has taken place in Canada over the past fifty years. Between 1956 and 2006, the median age of the Canadian population went from 27. to 38. 8 years, an increase of more than 10 years over a span of fifty years. By 2056, the median age is expected to reach 46. 9 years, or 20 years more than it was in 1956. In terms of demographics in the work force, during the third quarter of the twentieth century, there were almost 8 adults between 15 and 64 years of age in Canada for each person aged 65 years or over. However, the demographic dependency ratio for seniors in 2006 was just over 5 persons aged 15 to 64 years for each person aged 65 years and over. This ratio gives an approximation of how many elderly persons there are in relation to the potential pool of workers. During the last twenty-five years, the ratio has gradually yet significantly decreased to its current level. This downward trend could also continue into the future, according to recent population projections by expert analysts. Regardless of the scenario selected, most projections show a continuation of the decline of this indicator of population aging. According to the projections, in the year 2056 there would be only 2. working-age persons for each person aged 65 years or over, an even lower ratio than we are dealing with at the present moment. The Issue of Age Discrimination Age discrimination is defined, technically, as the idea of restricting persons from getting hired, promoted, or discriminated, in a position on the basis of age. It involves adverse work treatment of an employee based on a class or category that the employee belongs to ââ¬â employees over age 40 rather than on the employees individual merit. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects certain applicants and employees 40 years of age and older from discrimination on the basis of age in hiring, promotion, discharge, compensation, or terms, conditions or privileges of employment. In fact, any action that an employer takes that adversely affects a disproportionate number of employees over 40 is also age discrimination. Various different types of age discrimination do exist throughout the workforce. It would be sensible to be knowledgeable on oneââ¬â¢s rights in terms of age discrimination to ensure that future conflicts as such are avoided. . Denying Employment: Denying ones rights on hiring and employment based on their current age (most cases involve the misjudgement of oneââ¬â¢s capabilities due to inexperience and young age) 2. Position-Based Employment: When one is already working for a company and is denied another position, perhaps a promotion, within the company based on their current age. 3. Salary-Based Employment: While it is reasonable to assume that a person with more experience and education will apprehend a higher salary, even for doing nearly the same work as another person, there may be cases where that is not applicable. Some cases involve the act of paying more to one person while another is doing almost identical work yet is being paid less, yet one person is significantly older or younger than the other. 4. Housing-Based Solutions: This type of age discrimination is different than others, simply because it is not related to employment. Some communities specifically cater to older adults, but this is an exemption to housing discrimination allowed under the Housing for Older Persons Act (HOPA). This is true in many retirement communities, for example, for which often do not allow those younger than age 55 years to own property or live there. Current myths regarding the older work force employees There do exist, however, many myths about the capabilities of older workers in the field and how efficient they would be if they were to continue working in the workforce as they age. One circulating myth is that older people cannot or will not learn new material as efficiently as younger people, which is the most prominent one of the rest. A few others include the idea that older people are not flexible or adaptable to the work environment, that older people are less productive, and that older workers are more expensive than younger workers. There has been great debate on both sides of these theories, given that although people do accept that older people should not be discriminated against and limited in terms of the workforce, there do still exist aspects in their work habits and the resources needed to provide for them in the workplace which are less ideal than if younger people were to be hired instead. Some issues that may have to be dealt with throughout the workplace with elder people include more health protection, more resources to provide for them, and perhaps even more training to ensure that they are not slow in apprehending the skills necessary for the post (all of these factors also relate back to idea of more expenses in general). Labour shortage in Canada Figure 1. Statistics on the recent study on Canadian labour shortage by province Figure 1. Statistics on the recent study on Canadian labour shortage by province Finally, the case for job shortages in Canada became thinner recently with the most recent data showing vacancies actually fell to 200,000 at the start of the year, meaning there were 6. 5 unemployed workers chasing each opening. The fresh data is just the latest indicator that seems to undercut government and business arguments that Canada is facing a serious skills and labour shortage. Furthermore, given the fact that older citizens are beginning to retire from their positions, there is an increased risk of labour shortages beginning to emerge. Parts of the economy such as the food and restaurant, oil, and public services industries are beginning to face such issues, and this area of conflict may even continue to grow over the decades, perhaps even spread and expand to more parts of the economy. In terms of action against this issue however, steps have already been put into effect by different organizations and the Canadian government. Progress has been made to reduce barriers to work by providing tax incentives for working Canadians and by modifying Employment Insurance and Guaranteed Income Supplement programs to remove penalties for working people. Canadian Prime Minister, Steven Harper, responded that ââ¬Å"there are certain cases in Canada where there are absolute shortages of workersâ⬠and that he will ââ¬Å"ensure the programs put in effect are reformed so they may not be misused in any way. The government has already begun to take action to further reduce barriers to work for Canadians, given that Canadaââ¬â¢s labour shortage is not only a skills shortage, but a person-shortage that will have an increasingly negative affect on the economic growth and prosperity of all Canadians. The diminishing young worker to retired elder-ratio should be a clear indication that a conflict is, and will be prominent throughout the next couple years or decades in Canadaââ¬â¢s economy, and that action must be tak en as efficiently as possible to avoid a serious problem for both our current and future generations.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Iââ¬â¢m Ready to Write :: Graduate College Admissions Essays
Iââ¬â¢m Ready to Write I had been scribbling in diaries and journals for years. My letters to the editor were known for their eloquent ferocity. A talent for writing was the only plausible explanation for my behavior. I had only recently discovered the essay as a genre. I took to it immediately and had had some modest success in getting my essays published on a wide range of websites, from off-the-wall e-zines to on-line literary journals. Was I ready? Was I ready for a real test-to submit my work to the state arts commission for an individual writers grant? At first I thought the idea was laughable. Who the hell did I think I was? My mom knew. She would hold my face in her hands and stare directly into my eyes and say, "You are a writer! Repeat after me: 'I am a writer!' " If my mom believed that, I would not argue with her. I would collaborate in the fiction for now. I began to search for the pieces I would submit. I looked for the essays with a real punch to them. I would include those that had been published or had received at least an honorable mention. There was that one I wrote about going to Mexico. Then one of my canoe essays. Not something corny like me and Ed on the Allegheny, but the one where I used paddling as a platform to view our Mad Max transportation system. I included another longer piece and then a couple of my short pieces. Reviewing the essays, I became self-conscious about my style. It is too popular to be literary, and too literary to be popular. It combines gravitas with humor. There are well-regarded authors whose style is not so different from my own, but what style are the reviewers looking for? Are they the super pure literary types that will dismiss my essays for having a social or political consciousness? Literature! Not polemics! Jack Warner was right: 'If you want to send a message, go to Western Union! Take your soap box and be gone!' I was making myself crazy. I am a writer. This writer will now print off these selections in the format required by the arts council, will put them into a manila envelope, go to the post office and send them to Columbus.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Reasons for private tutoring in Egypt
Reasons for Private Tutoring in Egypt When it comes to education systems, Egypt has so many major problems. For Instance, the educational budget is too tight and the education itself is totally ignored by the government officials. Also, the courses are outdated and prehistoric. But the most terrible problem is the problem of private tutoring. Teachers, schools and students are to blame for this problem. First, the blame usually falls on the teachers.For one thing, some of them Just show up In class once at the beguiling of the school year and teach very well to attract students to their private lessons but never appear again in class. In Dalton, some of the teachers may force their students to Join the private lessons by saying: â⬠Never dream of passing the participation test unless you Join my private lessons! â⬠Another thing, teachers sometimes aren't well-trained. Therefore, they badly teach at class and eventually make the students resort to private lessons.Second, sc hools are also to blame for the problem of private tutoring. For example, public schools aren't well-equipped. You rarely see a well-organized computer or science lab in it. The classes are very old and unhealthy. They're also very crowded to the extent that you might see 50 or 60 dents accumulated in one class. Also, public schools lack activities that can help motivate students and develop their characters. Finally, there are reasons that make students resort to private lessons. For example, some of them can't understand what's being taught in class.Also, parents put so much pressure on their children. They keep asking them to be on top of the class and to Join top faculties. Furthermore, nowadays finding a Job is a very competitive process. Thus, students have to either become an engineer or a doctor to have comfortable living conditions which can only be achieved through private lessons throughout school years. To sum up, private tutoring is the result of the carelessness of sch ools, the greed of the teachers and taking advantage of the need of the students.Reasons for private tutoring in Egypt By Hager-Eater instance, the educational budget is too tight and the education itself is totally ignored teachers. For one thing, some of them Just show up in class once at the beginning of never appear again in class. In addition, some of the teachers may force their sometimes aren't well-trained. Therefore, they badly teach at class and eventually the problem of private tutoring. For example, public schools aren't well-equipped.
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